Armenian Squash Federation


Rules of squash

Rules of squash

1. The game

1.1. The game of Singles Squash is played between two players, each using a racket, with a ball and in a court.

1.2. The game consists of the rallies. Every rally starts when the player serve the ball and the other player receives it.

1.3. A match is the best of 3 or 5 games at the option of the organizers of the competition.

1.4. Either player may score points. The server, on winning a rally, scores a point and retains the service; the receiver, on winning a rally, scores a point and becomes the server.

1.5. The Referee judge every game.

2. The warm-up

2.1. Before the start of a match, the two players are allowed up to 5 minutes (2.5 minutes on each side) to “warm-up” themselves and the ball on the match court. At the end each 2.5 minute period the Referee shall call “Time”.

2.2. After the warm-up 90 seconds break.

3. The scoring

3.1. Each game is played to 11 points. The player who scores 11 points first wins the game except that if the score reaches 10-all, the game continues until one player leads by two points.

3.2. After each rally the Referee announces the score.

4. The service

4.1. Play commences with a service. The player to serve first is decided by the spin of a racket. Thereafter, the server continues serving until losing a rally, when the opponent becomes the server and the server becomes \"hand out\". The player who wins the preceding game serves first in the next game. 

4.2. At the beginning of each game and each hand the server shall choose from which box to serve and thereafter shall serve from alternate boxes while remaining the server. However, if a rally ends in a let, the server shall serve again from the same box.

4.3.To serve, a player shall release the ball from  either a hand or the racket and then strike it. Should the player make no attempt to strike it after that release, the player shall release the ball again for that service.

4.4. A service is good if all the conditions in Rules 4.4.1 - 4.4.5 are met: 

4.4.1 the server has part of one foot in contact with the floor within the service box without any part of that foot touching the service box line (part of that foot may project over this line if it does not touch the line) at the time of striking the ball; 

4.4.2 the server, after releasing the ball for service, strikes it correctly on the first or further attempt before the ball falls to the floor, touches a wall, or touches anything the server wears; 

4.4.3 the server strikes the ball directly onto the front wall between the service and out lines; 

4.4.4 unless volleyed by the receiver, the first bounce of the ball on  the floor is in the quarter court opposite the server\'s box without touching the short or half court lines; 

4.4.5 the server does not serve the ball out.  

5. Rallies

After a good service has been delivered the players hit the ball in turn until one fails to make a good return. A rally consists of a service and a number of good returns. A player wins a rally if the opponent fails to make a good service or return of the ball or if, before the player has attempted to hit the ball, it touches the opponent (including racket or clothing) when the opponent is the non-striker.

6. Good return 

6.1. After the server delivers a good service, the players return the ball alternately until one fails to make a good return.

6.2. If the return would have been good and the ball would have struck the front wall without first touching any other wall, the striker wins the rally, provided the striker did not “turn”. If the ball either had struck, or would have struck, any other wall and the return would have been good, a let is played. If the return would not have been good, the striker loses the rally. 

7. Winning a rally

A player wins a rally if: 

7.1. the opponent fails to deliver a good service

7.2. the opponent fails to make a good return, unless the Referee allows a let or awards a stroke to the opponent; 

7.3. the ball touches the opponent (including anything worn or carried), without interference, when the opponent is the non-striker, except as is otherwise provided for. In all cases the Referee shall make the decision;

7.4. the Referee awards a stroke to the player as provided for in the Rules. 

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